Ice Dams

Ice Dam Damage Roof Repair near Fargo ND

Fully Licensed and Insured | High-Quality Roofing Services | 5-Year Warranty on Labor/Materials

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Fully Licensed and Insured
High-Quality Roofing Services
Over 17 Years of Experience

What Causes Ice Dams?

An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow from dripping off the roof. The water that backs up behind the dam can leak into a home and cause damage to walls, ceilings, insulation, and other parts of your home.

An ice dam might form when there is snow on the roof and the average outside temperature is below 32 degrees and the roof's surface temperature is above 32 degrees at its higher end and below 32 degrees at its lower end.

Ice dams form when indoor heating rises through the ceiling into the attic and warms the roof surface. Snow on the heated part of the roof melts and flows down until it reaches that part of the roof that is below 32 degrees and the water freezes into an ice dam.

The ice dam grows as it is fed by melting snow above, but the water held by the dam backs up and stays liquid. Eventually, the water finds cracks in the roof covering and flows into the attic, from where it could seep through the ceiling and interior walls.

Get in touch with the experts at Maximum Roofing to provide you a free consultation. Please note that ice dams are an act of nature and are NOT covered under Maximum Roofing warranty.

Remove Ice Dams

Call us to schedule a free consultation today

(701) 412-6012

(701) 412-6012

"The best on the FM area! Highly suggest using Maximum Roofing!"

- Janell Adams

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